Acclaim Handling Achieves SafePQQ Certification

Acclaim Handling Achieves SafePQQ Certification

We are proud to announce that Acclaim Handling has now also achieved SafeContractor  SafePQQ verification In addition to us already being awarded the SafeContractor Certification.

What is SafePQQ?

SafePQQ is an extension of the SafeContractor health and safety contractor management system, it promotes greater visibility and transparency and shows that here at Acclaim Handling we are dedicated to being a safe, sustainable and ethical business to work with.

Various Information has been collected and verified in relation to finance, anti-bribery, environment, GDPR, quality management, right to work, equality, building information modelling, modern slavery, and references, all establishing our compliance against key Corporate Social Responsibility topics.

How does SafePQQ verification relate to SafeContractor accreditation and PAS 91?

PAS 91 accreditation is a standard questionnaire that your customers may use to assess your business capability across relevant issues like equal opportunities and diversity, environmental management, and health and safety. SafeContractor covers the health and safety module of PAS 91 as well as the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSiP) core criteria. SafePQQ is aligned to PAS 91 and covers the key questions within the other PAS 91 modules.

Our original application to become a SafeContractor Approved business was driven by the need for a uniform standard across the business. our business continuously undergoes thorough vetting processes which examine our health and safety procedures and our track history for safe practice.

We believe this not only keeps our customers and employees safe but enhances our ability to attract new customer contracts and our commitment to safety is viewed positively by our insurers when it comes to reviewing our company’s liability policy.

If you would like to deal with a forklift company that places Health & Safety at the top of its priorities then look no further than Acclaim.

Please call our friendly team for more information on 01708 861 414 or email us by clicking here.


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